Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy Valentines!!

The kids and I had a great time preparing for Valentine's! Of course we made our traditional sugar cookies. I actually rolled out the cookies and cooked them all up the morning before so the night before we could frost and decorate the cookies.... Jack went NUTS waiting ALL day to frost them! By the time we were ready to frost and decorate - he could only do ONE cookie because he couldn't stop eating and frosting his cookie! Marin was a trooper and helped a lot!

Marin and Jack also had a lot of fun putting their Valentine's together. Last year Marin and I made the cutest "popcorn" themed Valentine's but this year - we didn't get very creative and bought them. On the 13th Marin informed me she needed a decorated box to take to school for everyone to put their Valentine's in... I have to preface this by saying - I AM NOT the type of parent that does their child's homework or would even consider it! BUT... when we started putting together the paint can (which we decided we would do instead of a box) it was 9:00pm and I wanted my sweet little 8 year old IN BED! So, I told her I would do it! Marin was just as happy to have me do it as I was to do it... unfortunately, I have had to put up with extensive teasing from Marin's father! My sweet husband - will not leave me alone regarding the fact that I solely made Marin's Valentine's box. Something that is supposed to be for the kids! ha ha ha! Well... it turned out cute anyway ;o)
I think the best thing about Valentine's this year was the fact that the kids got to start school late because of SNOW!! (Yes, more snow!!) Marin got a fun new movie for Valentine's and was able to take time and eat her pancakes and watch her movie all before school started at 10:00am! YEAH!! We love all the extra time we get with Marin - even if most of that time was spent... you guessed it... shoveling snow!


ALI said...

I need help with my template. Look how cute yours looks

Tara said...

Can't wait for Monday!

Tiffany said...

Hey girl... I didn't realize you had a blogspot.. I'm adding you to my freinds so now I can see what you're up to more often. Or not cause it looks like you post as much as I do (not very often) That's ok :) Your page is very cute by the way! Of course.